AustCyber, formerly known as Australian Cyber Security Growth Network (ACSGN) – is a government based growth network and intuitive to drive awareness, grow and support the Australia cybersecurity industry. Starting up in 2019 they wanted to engage a digital agency with strengths in Cyber Security and technology to help them establish and support their expansion over the course of the next few years.
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The Challenge
Driving exposure, while being the number one thought leader in your field.
AustCyber engaged Whitetower to support them with the initial setup and establishment of their business. They wanted an agency who knew the industry well and knew the best practices and had experience driving the growth of the cybersecurity industry.
Our Approach
Growth using the right tools.

Being a brand new growth initiative, AustCyber had no digital presence setup for their business and no data available to understand what they needed to support their website and business launch.
They engaged Whitetower to work closely with them and to build a scalable solution for their initial launch and announcement event. Whitetower was given two weeks to design and build a website and setup a scalable and secure infrastructure for AustCyber’s launch.
Through utilising Amazon’s Web Services, we built an elastic load balancer platform with the use of third party firewall web application software to easily launch a solution to market within the desired time, while opening up the possibility of scaling their website in the near future (post-launch). This led to a scalable and cost-effective solution that is still used to this date, with an active 10,000+ users per day, and continuous malicious attacks from automated bots which are prevented, keeping the platform and website clean and usable.
Building the website with purpose

AustCyber’s goals were to drive growth and awareness to the cybersecurity sector, and while no key metrics or tangible goals were set, this gave Whitetower an indication of the importance of the website. Using AustCyber’s broad goals, Whitetower tailored key website metrics, such as impressions and traffic rates, click through rates, download rates and member/newsletter subscription size as a method to track success of their network.
Whitetower felt that a huge content driven strategy to build resources, programs and other digital based content was a good method to drive awareness and become the one-digital hub for CyberSecurity services and information for Australia.
A large rebuild of the website was undertaken, which included the design of a new information architecture, UX improvements, content delivery and large scale third party integrations (eg. CRM and Event tools).
Over the course of the next 6 months, Whitetower worked closely with the AustCyber marketing team and delivered a method to rollout various version of the site, each including new features like podcasts, resources hub and event-driven content and registries.
Preventing hacks at a hack-a-thon

During their first hack-a-thon challenge, AustCyber experienced a major attack and threat to their digital solutions as they found many registered hackers were setting their sights on AustCyber upon the completion of the hack-a-thon challenge.
As a result of the malicious threats, AustCyber engaged Whitetower to support them with future hack-a-thons as well as management of their existing platforms on a daily (24/7) basis.
For the next two hack-a-thons hosted by AustCyber, Whitetower employed a similar infrastructure and strategy which was used on their main website to support the solutions for the competition. From the data shown from AWS – Whitetower was able to block hundreds of ongoing attacks over the course of the 3 week challenge.
The Results
Security breeds freedom & growth
As the team at AustCyber grew and changed, the infrastructure we placed from day-one still holds true and trialed. Furthermore, the support system, technical infrastructure and marketing insights we’ve provided to AustCyber were the keys to helping AustCyber get additional funding and support from the government and private sector each year.
By understanding the industry and utilising the best practices outlined by industry standards such as OSWAP and whitepapers released by Amazon, we delivered solutions that were proven to protect and scale small businesses looking for a national reach.
Contact Us
Our objective is straightforward: we are dedicated to assisting businesses to thrive, and we offer measurable results that influence the bottom line.
“Whitetower provides more than just a solution. Its consultants provides our organisation with strategic thinking for all our digital challenges, based on our own particular needs. The team works hand-in-hand with our own internal team, and we can always rely on them to offer insights that are relevant when we need them.”
Andrew DuckmantonGeneral Manager of Digital Acquisitions, Lottoland
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